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What are FrontPage® Extensions?
Do you support FrontPage® Extensions?
Do you still support Microsoft® FrontPage® 98 Extensions?
Can I have both FTP access and use FrontPage®?
Where can I find more information about Server Extensions and Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000?


What are FrontPage® Extensions?
FrontPage is software that allows for WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) web page creation. In order to allow for easier updating of your site, FrontPage utilizes "extensions" added to the web server where your site is hosted.


Do you support FrontPage® Extensions?
Yes, we support the latest release of the FrontPage Extensions.


Do you still support Microsoft® FrontPage® 98 Extensions?
Yes, the FrontPage extensions are backwards compatible therefore FrontPage 98 server extensions are still available.


Can I have both FTP access and use FrontPage®?
Yes. We support both FrontPage accounts and FTP access.


Where can I find more information about Server Extensions and Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000?
Details on Server Extensions and Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000 can be found at and the Microsoft® FrontPage® FAQ page.



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